Getting a Custom Recommendation

Thank you for choosing VaporWorx!

We know you have many choices for fuel delivery systems, so we do appreciate the trust that you have given us with your inquiry.

The following form will be used to provide you with a fueling package that makes sense for your application.

The questions/options may or may not work for your application – please fill them out as best you can. The more complete the information is, the better the recommendation can be.

You can enter and submit the information directly using the form further down on this page, or download a .docx copy from the green download box to the right (or underneath if you are using a smaller device), then send it in via email to

If you don’t have this type of information handy, or have a general inquiry, please email us at

Download the Form

You can directly fill in and submit the form further down on this page, or click the Download button to get a .docx copy, then email it to

    Owner Information

    Note: The information below will not be sold, spread around, or used in any other ways other than to provide a recommendation & fulfill any order(s) that result.
    * Required fields are marked with an asterisk - but the more you tell us about your application, the better our recommendation can be.

    Vehicle Information

    Naturally AspiratedTurbochargedSupercharged

    [group turbo-super]


    TrunkEngine CompartmentOther LocationNot sure yet[group battery-location inline][/group]

    I wish I had talked with Carl before I tried to design my own system — it would have saved me a lot of time, grief, and money!

    Russ Panneton